Maureen Dowd on "Bacon Guy"
Maureen Dowd's column in the New York Times today was on "Bacon Guy," (who I wrote about yesterday) and titled Six Degrees of Bacon.
The woman is clever and definitely has a playful way with words. Here's an excerpt:
"After Bacon Guy was forced to withdraw, Mr. Goss and his chief of staff, Patrick Murray, were not moved to look for a sterling choice for the No. 3 post. They were moved to go on a rampage to ferret out and get rid of the libs in the agency whom they suspected of leaking the news of Bacon Guy's carnivorous crime.
With a Nixonesque sense of paranoia and vendetta, the Bush dominatrixes never seem to worry about the nefarious activity itself - from shoplifting to gathering data on all Americans' phone records. They just resent it when the nefarious activity is revealed. When word got out that the government was snooping on domestic calls, the administration rushed into action, not to investigate the violation of the Constitution but to punish any government employees who might have leaked it to The Times."
That's BushCo - persecute the whistleblowers, not the criminals.
And further:
"In a scene that would impress even the "Law and Order" impresario Dick Wolf, investigators from the F.B.I., the I.R.S., the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the C.I.A.'s inspector general showed up yesterday for the searches. Dusty's C.I.A. office and his house in a nearby Virginia suburb were examined.
The dolts at F.B.I. headquarters could not get it together to search Zacarias Moussaoui's computer before 9/11, but now we have the F.B.I. searching the C.I.A.
That's not progress."
I disagree. It is and it isn't. It's progress, at least, that a criminal hack inside this clandestine organization is being investigated with the possibility of being prosecuted.
Better that than remaining untouchable like criminals Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al (who aren't at all happy about this latest little revelation of the systemic incompetence of their faux - shall we call it style of governing? (They don't govern, they force their ideas on us, winging how to make their ideas reality with a mixture of incompetence and malice.)
While the FBI investigating the CIA is not progress on the war against external enemies, it is progress against the internal enemies America has: Republicans who would allow America to crumble into ruin for the sake of ideology based on fear, greed and desire for unlimited power.
Better that the corruption, incompetence and lack of fitness to govern (and appoint competent staff) be revealed than remain hidden.
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