Americans: All The President's Enemies
People who listen to sound bites don't understand the gravity of what this President is doing. He is attacking us - the American people - on all fronts. He has used a "divide and conquer" strategy that has worked well for him. As we've bickered among ourselves, throwing epithets back and forth, he has quietly changed 90% of our environmental laws and has indebted us - on purpose - so that we will eventually have no money for any social programs whatsoever. The rising interest on our debt will see to that.
The group of neo-cons which he represents - to which he prostituted himself in order to become President of the United States - hates people. To them we're like roaches. Sending our kids to war doesn't bother them in the least. We're expendable. We're just consumers, maleable sheep they'll own. So for them, killing Social Security, public schools, public libraries and public television is part of their long term plan. They're committed to that part of their plan just as they were committed to finding a way to implement their long term plan to begin a seige on the Middle-East.
They'll bide their time as they continue to hammer the coffin nails of miserliness into our educational system. They'll continue to craft "created-to-fail" policies for our schools and assure that only the privileged will lead this country.
They're eliminating Head Start and food programs for children. They're turning student loans into a privatized, expensive scam. They are pursuing every way possible to disempower the populace and are doing so at an amazing rate, economically, as they, simultaneously, undermine our constitution.
They've done this while we the people have been busy watching American Idol and CSI.
Now corporate America is set to take over the Internet. Once they do so, the blog you are reading now, for instance, along with on-line pages from foreign newspapers where you might see the real news, will become inaccessible to you through broadband. The Republican party is operating on lies. It makes sense they would not want anything smacking of the truth to be seen. In addition, the owners of broadband also intend to charge you for everything you do on the Internet and everything you see.
Bush, of course, is leading all this. He's doing, you see, for his friends, the very rich owners and shareholders of corporations that want to own us all, lock, stock and barrel to the point that we cannot change laws, cannot communicate effectively with each other in order to take action against them, cannot protest against our slavery, cannot appeal to the courts.
Think I'm an alarmist? Just look at how he's setting the scene with his insistence he can spy on Americans at will:
According to Glenn Greenwald, a litigator in NYC specializing in First Amendment challenges, Gonzales’ argument is that this administration - and all administrations to come - "...have the right to use all war powers — of which warrantless eavesdropping is but one of many examples — against American citizens within the country.
And not only do they have the right to use those war powers against us, they have the right to use them even if Congress makes it a crime to do so or the courts rule that doing so is illegal.
Put another way, the administration has now baldly stated that whatever it is allowed to do against our enemies in a war, it is equally entitled to exercise all of the same powers against American citizens on American soil. …
The “war powers” which a president can use in war against our enemies are virtually limitless — they include indefinite detention in prison with no charges or access to lawyers, limitless eavesdropping, interrogation by means up to and perhaps including torture, and even killing.
The reason the administration claims it can engage in warrantless eavesdropping against Americans is because it has the general right to use all of these war powers against Americans on American soil, of which eavesdropping is but one example.
Without hyperbole (exaggeration), it is hard to imagine a theory more dangerous or contrary to our nation’s principles than a theory that vests the president — not just Bush but all future presidents — limitless authority to use war powers against American citizens within this country."
It's time to start writing letters to the White House, to your representatives and to the media. It's time to say you do not want to be thrown in jail, without bail, for looking at a blog critical of your government.
If we do not take action now, these neo-cons will do their best to take our remaining freedom from us. As the jobs dry up, one day people are going to wake up and want to protest. But guess what? It'll be Kent State in spades, with no restitution.
It happened in Germany. It happened in Italy. It happened in Spain. It happened in Greece.
Fascism is alive and well and marching steadily into a country you live in. It's coming in behind a man who seems inept, stupid, yet friendly so you don't recognize it. But he's just the front man, the wolf in sheep's clothing.
The time to act is now, not when after your livelihood and your liberty have been devoured and you find the only freedom you have is whether to buy generic brand X or Z.
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