Anti-Bush despite my dream in which I was Laura Bush and loved George and was so grateful to him for making me the First Lady that - although I knew he was really doing a bad job - I decided I was going to work for his re-election because being the First Lady was so much fun and I sure didn't want to give it up...

Friday, May 05, 2006

BushCo Brings Back the Cold War

The latest news is that BushCo is bringing back the The Cold War.

It's amazing how, with the Republicans in office, it never ends. Things just get better and better, don't they?

Hum - lest we forget, let's recap a fraction of what's happened in five and a half years:

We've been lied to as a matter of policy.

Government has gone super secret. Plus the Freedom of Information Act has been subverted by the assessment of thousands of dollars in fees to get information.

Government now provides networks with false news.

Black is white and white is black.

Empathy is considered a weakness and killing a virtue.

The U.S. is now listed on Amnesty International's list of human rights violators for "disappearing" people and torturing them.

The Patriot Act, having been renewed, continues to wreak havoc on civil liberties.

We're enmeshed in an unnecessary war which has virtually destroyed Iraq. At least 2300 American families have been shattered, along with the nearly 50,000 American lives of those who have suffered catastrophic injuries.

The soul of America - New Orleans and her people - were left to drown and dry and are now scattered hopelessly across the country.

Corporations continue to take over everything, jettison pensions and employees and move to China in worship of their god, Obscene Profit.

Osama hasn't been caught (and never will be) because BushCo is friends with the Saudis, even providing over a dozen with them with clandestine airfare out of the country after 9/11. It was all just a ploy to get absolute control of the government anyway. They had the information. They let it happen - and even helped it along - then covered it all up.)

The dollar is falling, interest rates are rising and everyone except the upper crust (who gets all the tax breaks and stock options) is in debt.

As a nation we're going to reach 8,000,000,000,000 in debt and go beyond it soon. Expect the (planned for) result to be that all social programs (including schools) go on the chopping block.

Our public schools - the last, best chance for creating an egalitarian population that is informed - are being starved to death and teachers blamed for the system's problems (instead of blaming the true culprit, lack of funding and respect for education.)

Meanwhile the wealthy send their kids to private schools and think nothing of paying $40,000 a year for a child's education. Meanwhile, poor kids are punished for going to poor schools as "Every Child Left Behind" cuts their funding further.

Corporate welfare continues unabated while the poor go without health care, jobs, proper schools or hope. (Gee, weren't all those tax cuts to the wealthy supposed to create jobs that provided health care? Yeah, that always works. Not.)

The environment is going down the toilet. Public parks are being sold off for lumber. Climate change is happening more rapidly than anticipated while BushCo still stalls and toasts big oil's profits.

There's a powerful move by all the communication giants to stifle the Internet, charge more and control what we can pull up.

PBS - the only media that tells us the hard truths - has been stacked with vultures who are trying to kill it from the inside - along with BushCo's proposed slashing of its budget.

Scientist are ignored, evolution is disputed and a number of Bush supporters argue that the earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah. Heck, our science education is so bad that one in five Americans thinks the sun revolves around the earth.

The "reform" movement in Congress that would have put some sort of break on corruption was killed. It would have stopped the swinging door which allows Congressional representatives to leave Congress, become high paid lobbyists and lobby all the friends they left behind to sell out the people for control and profits. But God forbid - why would a Republican Congress want to do that? Why would they put educating their nation's children or taking care of people and families over being able to fly to their homes in the South of France where there is actually a pretty decent quality of life?

The Twin Towers - and building 7 - were imploded from within and the steel all secreted away to be melted down in China so no one could test it - but the media shuns the story and most Americans haven't seen the facts. Bottom line, most people still refuse to believe the government that has stabbed them in the back from Day One is capable of such treason.

It wasn't enough to rattle their sabers and talk about invading Iran or dropping a nuke on Tehran.

Now Cheney's bringing back the Cold War as a prelude.

Isn't that grand?

And what's the response? We've found America's enemy in the millions of Mexican-American immigrants who do our dirty work.

I'm glad that's solved. Aren't you?


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