The Big Lie We All Believe
I just went through all 49 pages of evidence and discussion that dissects the official explanation for the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7 in NYC. Most people don't remember Building 7, but it fell too even though it was not next to the Twin Towers. Of interest, however, was the fact that Building 7 held a lot of files on big companies that the SEC was investigating.
I have come away stunned. I thought the talk about our government having carried out 9/11 itself was insane - a paranoid fantasy.
But the evidence is depressingly compelling.
It doesn't help that people like physicist Steven Jones of Brigham Young University and Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D. professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX - who served as chief economist for the US Department of Labor during 2001 and 2002 (in George W. Bush's first term) - both find compelling evidence that the 3 destroyed buildings were the result of planned demolition.
As I say, I thought those who opined that the U.S. government was directly responsible for 9/11, and not bin Laden, were angry nuts. But this
49 page explanation of the evidence has given me a very bad feeling.
Shortly after 9/11 I thought Bush was simply inept in not reading reports about the 9/11 bombers and preventing the attacks.
Last year I came to the conclusion that, given the lies, etc., it was likely that Cheney - but probably not Bush - had known the attack was going to occur and had deliberately allowed it to happen so to provide justification for invading the Middle-East.
I thought that was treasonous enough.
But I never thought that our ruling class neo-cons actually were actually responsible for having explosives planted or blowing up the Twin Towers and Building 7.
But - to my shock - in conjunction with all the other "censored" information that is not making its way into our major media about what BushCo is doing - a very ugly picture has taken shape. They're not playing here, boys and girls. I fear our situation in the U.S. is worse than I thought.
It appears the 3 towers collapsed because they were imploded from within. I urge you to take a close look at the facts. See if you find the evidence compelling or not.
Bottom line: We know the very rich make money no matter who suffers.
If BushCo orchestrated the detonation of those building, it was brilliant because it will be impossible for most Americans to believe their own government capable of such treasonous treachery, especially with the folksy, likeable, seemingly not-so bright George Bush at the helm.
They have, quite possibly, pulled off the biggest coup in American history. They have succeeded in selling the biggest, most outrageous lie - the lie that everyone wants to believe because it is unthinkable that our own government would orchestrate 9/11 - that the fires started by the planes caused those buildings to fall.
But no planes flew into Building 7, did they?
For more on this subject, see:
More discussion as well as Dr. Reynold's paper.
No, I don't want to believe it's true. It's insane.
But, the evidence is compelling and, put together with the big picture, it makes so much awful sense.
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