The Madness of George Bush
Bush cheerleader, Pat Robertson, has gone too far. He has proved he is not just the anti-Christ, but insane. He has called for Hugo Chavez' death. [Read the interview of Chavez by Greg Palast.
Chavez, of course knows he is the last stop before U.S. corporations wipe out - through globalization - the ability of the poor to take control of their lives and economies.
Robertson is a symptom of what is increasingly an unsustainable way of life: rampant greed by corporations that has been sold to us as "democracy" and "capitalism."
In service of this greed, violence has become an end in itself.
"If the citizenry would recognize that Bush's [and Robertson's] egomania is acting out a national illness," says psychiatrist Carol S. Wolman, "we would all be saner."
For what we are suffering from is a mental disease fed by media hype created by anti-Christ Christians and Reich wing politics. We are well into it, as was Germany when it elected Adolph Hitler chancellor.
Like Hitler, King George is just the tip of our iceberg. If we want to get well as a nation and as a people, each of us better face this bitter truth today.
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