Support Our Troops: Support Cindy
Cindy Sheehan remains outside Bush's ranch, waiting to meet with him.
Now is the time to support her with e-mails, letters to the editor and messages to President Bush urging him to meet with her.
Why? Because she needs your help. Now.
Yesterday, on Sunday, while Sheehan and about sixty supporters were conducting a prayer service, a nearby landowner, Larry Mattlage, "fired his shotgun twice into the air."
Sheriff's deputies and Secret Service agents went to his house but did not arrest him.
Did you read the quote of what he said? He said: "This is Texas."
Brilliant. That explains it all, doesn't it?
He can fire a gun in the air and intimidate anyone anytime he wants.
I bet he considers himself "a Christian" too.
What a laugh.
This is a voter that supports Bush.
On this topic - I read a bunch of posts on some "patriotic" site that were so foolish as to be laughable. They called Sheehan a media whore.
And like George Bush isn't? What was that media stunt in a borrowed flight suit? Or the grandstanding of any of their dear Republican darlings?
They're just biting their own tails, furious that she's getting attention.
When a person has no answer, he or she resorts to insults.
Even more important, when a person is, subconsciously, deeply afraid he has taken the wrong position and is about to be proved "wrong" he lashes out with a vengence.
The more insulting a person is, the more they fear they don't know what they are talking about.
It's that old rigid mind that would rather break than face the truth.
So this handful of geniuses were going around and around comforting themselves with insulting her.
Someone else said: Her actions have to be nipped in the bud!
What? Her constitutional right to protest and free speech?
No doubt.
But when her rights are all gone, so will their rights to blog be taken away.
Guess they haven't figured that one out yet.
But what was truly sickening - and I mean turn your stomach sickening - were not the insults but the fact that in post after post there was zero - that's right - ZERO sympathy for a mother who has lost her son.
And ZERO sympathy for any of the 1800 families who have lost children.
And less than ZERO sympathy for the troops sweating it out in Iraq in that hell hole with insufficient body armor.
One poser (not an error) had the gall to say Casey "didn't have to go," it was his choice.
So I guess none of them have gone, right?
And I guess they're saying it's okay if no one wants to go fight, right?
And National Guardsmen who never signed up for Iraq but for a few weekends a year doing domestic duty don't have to go, right? They can "just say no."
So that won't land them in jail? No body will call them deserters, right?
I mean that's the logic. Unless they want to flipflop on that.
Well, that's the point of Cindy's protest.
Let everybody know: Nobody should go. You'll just die for people who don't give a rats ass about you OR your mother.
So pass the word to all those thinking about enlisting or re-uping. Tell the guardsmen: Don't go. Don't leave your children fatherless for a lifetime.
Don't go. Don't die. You don't have to go. Even self-styled Republican pundits are now saying it's your own fault if you go and die because you have a choice.
No wonder this country is self-destructing.
That's loyalty for you.
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