Anti-Bush despite my dream in which I was Laura Bush and loved George and was so grateful to him for making me the First Lady that - although I knew he was really doing a bad job - I decided I was going to work for his re-election because being the First Lady was so much fun and I sure didn't want to give it up...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Rove's America: Death & Lies

"You have to make more noise than anybody else, you have to make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else, you have to fill all the papers more than anybody else, in fact you have to be there all the time and see that they do not snow you under, if you are really going to get your reform realized."

- Emmeline Pankhurst, suffragist and social reformer.

We have been too quiet. Progressives are trying so hard to be the voice of reason, to speak in moderate tones.

We crucified Howard Dean for getting emotional, without checking into the fact that the airplay of his "screaming" was doctored so that the crowd noise was diminished in order to make him seem "out of control."

We need to unite and begin screaming, because truth and rationality and middle-of-the-road-ism are simply getting us more of the same: death & lies.

One definition of insanity is expecting that you can continue doing things the same way and get a different outcome.

We need to stop being cowards. We need to write letters, call into shows and say it:

Rove committed treason. He outed a CIA operative and risked our national security for partisan purposes.

Karl Rove is a traitor to America. He should be arrested under the Patriot Act and held without bail.

In refusing to fire Rove, Bush is a traitor to this country. He is killing America, gutting our military, wrecking our institutions, poisoning our air and water, bankrupting us, supporting thugs like Rove and creating a class and ideological war that is totally unnecessary but distracts from his destructiveness.

Bush is just not bad for America, but a disaster for America. His policies have led to more terrorism, not less. He uses 9/11 for his own political gain and has absolutely no shame.

We need to say it: Bush is a traitor to America and her values.

If we aren't heard, we need to say it louder.

If we have to scream like Rush Limbaugh to be heard, then so be it.

Because as Paul Krugman succinctly points out in his article Karl Rove's America:

"What Mr. Rove understood, long before the rest of us, is that we're not living in the America of the past, where even partisans sometimes changed their views when faced with the facts. Instead, we're living in a country in which there is no longer such a thing as nonpolitical truth. In particular, there are now few, if any, limits to what conservative politicians can get away with: the faithful will follow the twists and turns of the party line with a loyalty that would have pleased the Comintern."

For example, read how Republican Congressman Peter King turns the facts around and says Joe Wilson and former CIA operative Valerie Plame should be shot for telling the truth about Bush's lies that got us into Iraq.

King cannot possibly believe this B.S. he's spouting. He's lying as a strategy to confuse the American people.

And what's with this violent language? He says these distinguished people, a CIA agent as well "should be shot?" These Neo-cons are sounding more like violent reactionaries every day.

Republicans have spent 40 years and billions of dollars running media campaigns to brainwash Americans into believing black is white and white is black.

They have reapportioned our districts down to which side of the street votes Republican and Democrat and used those apportionments to swing the electoral college in their favor.

We are in their grips and they are not going to let go until enough of us are suffering to notice their lies.

The truth is, they hate America and they hate our government. They have taken it over to destroy it and our way of life. Grover Norquist has said: "We will stick a knife in government and kill it."

So the question is: How bad do we want it to get? And do we want to wait until we have no government-protected Constitutional rights of protest left?

Are we going to unite, work to get Progressives elected in the House and Senate or are we going to continue to bicker while treasonous and destructive liars destroy us?

Are we going to stand up for America? Or turn our backs?

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.

- Dante Alighieri

Rove has to go. It's time for massive demonstrations, letter writing campaigns and calls to the White House and our representatives. The line has been crossed too many times.

Enough is enough.


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