U.S.: Gutted Like Enron
A New York Times editorial discusses White House duplicity regarding the Valerie Plume leak.
All the news yesterday and today shows that President Bush has no intention of firing Karl Rove. On the contrary, the White House is officially maintaining silence while Bush continues to express great "confidence" in Karl Rove.
To me this proves Bush knew and approved of Rove's action which compromised our national security and the life of a covert CIA agent. This President smiles and jokes with the American people while acting like a "good ole boy" you'd like to have a beer with, when all the time he's sticking one knife after another in our backs via Iraq, the deficit, social security piratization...
When is the media - all of them - going to get tough and start screwing this administration to the wall?
When is the Democratic party going to resurrect American values, unite and become a party for the people so politicians like these - without shame or conscience - can never get into office again?
Or are we really going to continue to let our once great country be a tool of liars and ideologues who are gutting our nation and our military like their friends gutted Enron?
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