The Big Lie
Did you listen to Bush's speech?
If you didn't, you missed nothing except a bunch of lies spoken unconvincingly. It was the same old tired rhetoric.
We had to go into Iraq.
That's a lie. We didn't.
We're making the world safer.
That's a lie. The world was far safer - we were actually safer - before the war. Certainly at the very least 1723 people were safer and the 40,000 troops who are returning with severe physical and mental scars were safer.
We're keeping Iraq from falling into a civil war.
That's a lie. There's already one raging. Iraqis are killing Iraqis.
We're keeping Iraq from falling to terrorists.
Okay, help me out with the logic of that statement. We are fighting terrorists daily - they have made Iraq into a hell hole - but Iraq hasn't fallen to terrorists?
Sure it has. Terror affects and controls everyone's behavior there.
Unless he's admitting that he has created a civil war in Iraq. So was he admitting that Iraqis are killing Iraqis and these are not "terrorists" in the strictest sense of the word but people who want to reclaim their homeland from a foreign occupier?
You can't have it both ways, George.
His arguments are as full of holes as the Missile Shield.
But my ears perked up when G.W. talked about "murderers who kill because of 'ideology'."
It was like he was talking about his own administration and neo-con advisers.
Really, sentence after sentence could be applied to them. It was the classic case of projection: the pot calling the kettle black.
The people who worked to put Bush - the front piece - into office did so to implement policy based upon their ideology.
They call it a right wing ideology, but it is so far "right" that it has traveled in a circle and is now clearly on the side of the lunatic fringe. This administration's ideology is aligned much more closely with the philosophy of communism circa 1917 than it is with historical conservatism.
The Orwellian double speak that they use in which black is called white and killing 100,000 people - not to mention the wounded - and dooming the Iraqi people to live with daily terror is equated with giving them freedom. He keeps repeating it, but it still does not make it true. It's propaganda.
In fact Bush's twisting of facts and ignoring the reality of suffering that he has created by following his advisors - Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, et al - is classic. There is no liberty when you can't walk down the street without being taken out by a suicide bomber.
But Bush gave them that life, that daily terror.
And he calls it freedom.
But it isn't freedom.
Even bigger than WMD.
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