Anti-Bush despite my dream in which I was Laura Bush and loved George and was so grateful to him for making me the First Lady that - although I knew he was really doing a bad job - I decided I was going to work for his re-election because being the First Lady was so much fun and I sure didn't want to give it up...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Their Love Is Here To Stay

Today the article Gay or Straight? Hard to Tell documents two changes in how men dress themselves that is making it difficult to accurately identify a man's sexuality based upon his appearance.

The first is the growing trend of heterosexual men to be well - and fashionably - attired.

Coupled with this trend (no pun intended) is the the second: the fact that gay men are dressing less to impress and more for function as they move - as a group - toward more stable relationships and the homely kinds of chores that go with family life.

So maybe this is a clue to the Christian Wrong's current round of rabid anti-gay sentiment: they can't tell who's gay any more and it scares them.

They must feel like - well, gosh anybody could be gay.

Yes, your nightmares are coming true. Gays are like pod people - they're taking over. One day you'll wake up and find out that - oh your god - you're gay.

Of course our fears are that one day we'll wake up and find out you've taken over.

Oh, wait. That's already happened.

But I digress...

It's a confusing time for those who want people to be divided into just two groups: the haves and the have no rights.

A new study, published in the journal Child Development, confirms what the Christian Wrong is desperately trying to shout out: that the children of gay and lesbian parents are just as well-adjusted as people with heterosexual parents.

Actually, I would have thought they would be more well-adjusted, at least more well-adjusted than parents who beat the fire and brimstone drum or lie with phrases such as: "I love you but God hates you."

The fear that the "God Is Hate" people feel in regard to gay and transgender people goes so far as to interfere with national security.

David Schroer, a 25-year Army veteran and former Special Forces commander, spent his career defending America's freedoms. He had the ear of the Vice-President as a highly respected expert in his field. With these qualifications he was hired for the position of terrorism research analyst at the Library of Congress.

However, when he advised them that when he started the position his new name would be Diane, he got a flip-flop shod kick.

The Washington Post reported that Ms. Schroeder is now being told that, because of her gender change, she is no longer fit to serve her country in her area of expertise.

Is there anything that won't be sacrificed by these erroneously labeled "Christians" in the vain attempt to keep people from being themselves?

Fortunately, there are packets of sanity. Navajo President Joe Shirley Jr., president of the 180,000 person Navajo Nation, stopped a ban on same-sex marriage on the Navajo Indian reservation.

Shirley, who "strongly supports family stability," vetoed the legislation because - as he says - "same-sex marriage is a non-issue on Navajoland. So why waste time and resources on it? We have more important issues to address."

Shirley also stated that such a measure "goes against the Navajo teaching of nondiscrimination and doing no psychological or physical harm to others."

Good for the Navajo Nation. We should be so lucky to have such a President.


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