Interview with Aaron Russo
Aaron Russo, the film maker who brought us Trading Places and The Rose has created a new film From Freedom To Fascism.
Russo's main points are that:
1) Fascism is the synergistic blending of corporations and government to control the people. This is what we have in the U.S. now, not democracy.
2) The Federal Reserve is composed of private, wealthy individuals who, as a result of controlling the nation's money supply, also control its politics. The Delaware Corporation was handed the right to control our money supply and flow in 1913. As a result, not only has it destroyed our currency, but it has quietly overthrown our democracy, replacing it with centralized control.
3) Corporations and banks are global in nature. They make secret agreements, working together to create policy that is steadily heading the world toward a central government which they will control. (Note it is the 18 richest men in America who have created the whole "movement" to repeal the estate tax.)
4) Once we accept RFID (Radio Frequency I.D.) chips, every person will be able to be tracked, found, controlled, made to conform because if you don't conform your RFID will be blocked so you can't even buy food.
5) Our society and system has been created to make us debt slaves. People have been taught, not to pay off their houses or save, but to calculate how to keep their credit payments low. The banks own everything and deliberately are manipulating things - such as making bankruptcy for individuals nearly impossible - to keep us in debt for life.
6) We have "the 3 i's" against us: The IRS, interest and inflation. Income tax was created to tax corporations, not workers. It's being fraudulently assessed on worker wages so workers carry the burden that corporations should. The dollar, which was backed up with a portion of gold, in 1913, is now worth 4 cents and, because it is backed by nothing materially, is really worth nothing. "The Fed" controls interest rates strictly to benefit corporate growth.
7) The U.S. government - and the IRS - operate outside of our U.S. Constitution now and things are only going to get much worse unless people wake up to what's happening and take responsibility for changing things back.
Russo, during his interview, cites some very disturbing facts, including that 800 interment camps - huge underground facilities - are being constructed within the U.S.
Russo believes they are being constructed for a reason, and activists can use their imagination as to what that use might be.
The interview is rational and includes facts I know to be true - such as the Federal Reserve is no more "federal" than Federal Express. Disturbing stuff.
I can't help but wonder - since corporations have us on a suicide course with Mother Nature (read Ronald Wright's eye-opening bestseller A Short History of Progress) - if environmental collapse will stop all this.
While it is likely that about five billion of us will die, if the worse changes occur which result in massive crop failures, such a calamity might also be expected to destroy corporate control. But if those who survive have chips planted in them, well, I don't want to be around to experience the nightmare.
Between impending climate change and the noose of totalitarianism closing in around us, focusing people's attention on a non-issue - a constitutional amendment against gay marriage - seems more insanely Machiavellian than ever.
Here's Russo's interview.
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