Anti-Bush despite my dream in which I was Laura Bush and loved George and was so grateful to him for making me the First Lady that - although I knew he was really doing a bad job - I decided I was going to work for his re-election because being the First Lady was so much fun and I sure didn't want to give it up...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The U.S. Simply Took Over Saddam's Role

On May 1st 2003, President Bush presented us with his falsely staged presentation - with himself cast as a hero strutting around on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln - of a war that had been won.

Of course, we know now that it had actually been lost the moment it was launched, thanks to Donald Rumsfeld. He told the Pentagon to ignore the 1200 page State Department report that predicted Iraq's deterioration into chaos and civil war. Experts had outlined strategies for preserving order and infrastructure and making a relatively quick transition so the U.S. could get out before we were resented and Iraqis turned on us.

But remember - Rumsfeld said from the get-go that it would be a "long war." It was started to have a place to build bases. There was never any plan to leave. And if things were thrown into chaos, that would just give us reason to occupy Iraq in perpetuity.

So it was nonsense when Bush said we were there to "rebuild Iraq, where the dictator built palaces for himself, instead of hospitals and schools."

We did nothing to protect the ones that were there from being destroyed by looters who wrecked Baghdad's infrastructure by ripping out plumbing, electrical wiring and anything that they could sell to make a buck.

Yet he insisted that was outside of his hands, that our troops were sent to protect civilians, stop torture and eschew the building of palaces.

What rot.

We are protecting no one.

The latest story about marines killing civilians and, in the words of a military spokesperson, "committing an atrocity" is no surprise.

PHOTOGRAPHS taken by American military intelligence have provided crucial evidence that up to 24 Iraqis were massacred by marines in Haditha. One portrays an Iraqi mother and young child, kneeling on the floor, as if in prayer. They have been shot dead at close range.

There have been, of course, rumbling from returning troops about theft, about unjustified civilian deaths, about civilians being labeled as "insurgents" in order to make kill quotas. So anyone who was paying attention knew it was just a matter of time until something like this happened, was discovered and brought to light.

And, of course, there remains the fact that even our best and bravest who are dying trying to create order cannot stop the bloodshed because the hot spots in Iraq are total chaos and portions have descended into civil war.

The number of Iraqi civilians that have been killed has been estimated by the U.S. military at between 38,000 and 43,000 but, then, it is not U.S. policy to keep a body count.

Yet, sources outside the U.S. Military suggest that 250,000 is a more accurate number representative for Iraqi deaths since the U.S. invasion.

Gee, didn't Saddam kill only about 100,000? Oh, but the torture has stopped, right?

Wrong. We do the torturing now.

When we don't, we farm it out to Syria. So we have, essentially, just replaced Saddam Hussein.

But the raison d'etre is that, like Saddam, we have built a "palace" for our government instead of schools and hospitals.

From Frank Rich: Bush of a Thousand Days

"...courtesy of the Army Corps of Engineers...our corrupt, Enron-like Iraq reconstruction effort has yielded at most 20 of those 142 promised hospitals. But we did build a palace for ourselves. The only building project on time and on budget, USA Today reported, is a $592 million embassy complex in the Green Zone on acreage the size of 80 football fields.

Symbolically enough, it will have its own water-treatment plant and power generator to provide the basic services that we still have not restored to pre-invasion levels for the poor unwashed Iraqis beyond the American bunker.

These days Mr. Bush seems to be hoping that we'll just forget every falsehood in his "Mission Accomplished" oration.

Trying to deflect a citizen's hostile question about prewar intelligence claims, the president asserted at a public forum in April that he had never said "there was a direct connection between September the 11th and Saddam Hussein." But on May 1, 2003, as on countless other occasions, he repeatedly made that direct connection.

"With those attacks the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States," he intoned then. "And war is what they got."

It was typical of the bait-and-switch rhetoric he used to substitute a war of choice against an enemy who did not attack us on 9/11 for the war against the non-Iraqi terrorists who did.'

You know, BushCo has even blown being an effective replacement for Saddam Hussein. Saddam used all his torture and death to keep order. Iraqis lived under a brutal dictator, but it was a trade-off for having a working country with water, electricity, jobs and order. Say what you like about him, there weren't any terrorists blowing themselves up in police stations under Saddam.

Under BushCo Iraqis have the worst of all possible worlds. With none of the basic services they had before, yet with the disappearing, torture, death and occupation they don't even have the freedom to move about that they had under Saddam. They have Saddam in spades plus daily, crazy-making chaos.

But that's the neo-con way. They started out as poor left-wing extremists, then made money and became right-wing extremists. Either way, they believe in "creative destruction" of others in order to attain power.

This just goes to prove that an extremist on either side of the spectrum is basically the same: a destructive nut job who doesn't belong in power.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

They Can't Fool Us This Way

Have you noticed?

The "War on Terror" is no more. It has been replaced by the "global struggle against violent extremism."

As linguist George Lakoff says:

'It is important to note the date on which the phrase "war on terror" died and was replaced by "global struggle against violent extremism." It was right after the London bombing. Using the War frame to think and talk about terrorism was becoming more difficult. The Iraq War was declared won and over, but it became clear that it was far from over and not at all won and that it created many new terrorists for every one it destroyed. The last justification "fighting the war on terror in Iraq so it wouldn't have to be fought at home" died in the London bombing.'

The new phrase has been chosen carefully, to make us realize that this conflict is a global and, essentially, unwinnable slog as it always was. It has been chosen to make us forget that "the war on terror" ever existed and that it could not, from the get-go ever succeed.

It has also been chosen to make the term "War on Terror" go away; to make us forget that anti-war progressives said exactly what Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the head man in waging war) said in objecting to the original term: "... if you call it a war, then you think of people in uniform as the solution" whereas the solution is "more diplomatic, more economic, more political than it is military."

Yet, Republicans and Neo-cons cannot end their war - and ours (for it is the citizens of this country who are fighting and dying) - just by changing the name.

However, as usual, they want to lull us into amnesia. Make us forget just how wrong and how destructive they are and that they have gotten us into a war that is like quicksand.

Well, I'm not letting them get away with it, and I hope you won't either.

So what should progressives do?

As Lakoff says:

'Remind the public that there is still a war going on, that it was the wrong policy from the beginning, that the administration now agrees with the anti-war activists, and that you can't end a war just by stopping the use of the word.

And remind the public of what Karl Rove said just weeks ago: "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war."'

It was conservatives who lead us into this debacle, not democrats, liberals or progressives.

And the conservatives were wrong. Had they been right, they'd still be talking proudly about the "war."

So I'm going to create a bumper sticker that will say:


and another urging everyone to vote the bastards out of the House and Senate this November.

Yours for:

people over corporations
humanity over inhumanity
truth over lies
congressional ethics reform over "lobby reform"
justice over cheating the poor


Sunday, May 21, 2006

O'Reilly: Flipflopping King Of Spin

From an article in the New York Times:

'THE DIXIE CHICKS call it "the Incident": the anti-Bush remark that Natalie Maines, their lead singer, made onstage in London in 2003. "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas," said Ms. Maines, a Texan herself.

It led to a partisan firestorm, a radio boycott, death threats and, now, to an album that's anything but repentant: "Taking the Long Way" (Open Wide/Monument/ Columbia).

Her remark was reported in Britain and quickly picked up. Right-wing blogs and talk shows vilified the Dixie Chicks as unpatriotic and worse, and the Incident reached the nightly news. On March 12 a Web site statement from Ms. Maines said: "I feel the president is ignoring the opinion of many in the U.S. and alienating the rest of the world. My comments were made in frustration, and one of the privileges of being an American is you are free to voice your own point of view."

The article makes it clear that the Dixie Chicks got the shock of their life when they found out that there are a large number of Americans who are against freedom for speech that does not parrot their own views:

"We have video footage of this lady at one of the shows protesting, holding her 2-year-old son," Ms. Maines said. The woman commanded her son to shout along with an angry chant. "And I was just like, that's it right there. That's the moment that it's taught. She just taught her 2-year-old how to hate. And that broke my heart."

The band received death threats, including at least one, in Dallas, that the F.B.I. considered credible. A newspaper printed Ms. Maines's home address in Austin, Tex., and she ended up moving first outside the city and then to Los Angeles.'

Must I point out the obvious?

That it was the height of irony for these Americans to support a war that, supposedly, was being fought to bring American freedoms to another country while simultaneously denying those same freedoms to their own fellow citizens?

The Times article then talks about how now, over three years later, the same media pundits who once slandered this musical group for their clear-sighted honesty, are now are praising them:

"At the Time 100 party a few days before this interview, the Dixie Chicks performed "Not Ready to Make Nice." Afterward Ms. Maines recounted, the Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly — who has regularly denounced her, and whom she pointedly calls "despicable" — rushed over to greet them. "It's like, 'Just want to say that was great!' " Ms. Maines said. " 'I really like that new song.' "

"And I go, 'But two million tops, right?' And he goes, 'What?' And I said, 'I saw your show when you said we wouldn't sell more than two million, tops.' And he was like, 'Oh, ah, well, two million's pretty good these days, right?' And I was just like, 'Right, yeah. You were saying it in a positive way.' "

Ms. Robison interrupted, laughing. "That's what you call a no-spin zone."

"So then he was just backtracking," Ms. Maines continued. "He says: 'We really respect what you did. And we really respect that you stand up for yourself and blah blah blah.'

We know O'Reilly has proven himself to a) talk for talk's sake, b) cater to intolerance and hate & c) foment destruction for ratings.

Now we know he's a hypocritical flip-flopper as well.

Yet, doesn't he villify flipfloppers?

I guess only he has the right to change his mind and (maybe) get it right for a change:

'(The next day on "The O'Reilly Factor," Mr. O'Reilly acknowledged that Ms. Maines had "chided" him. He mentioned the radio boycott but did not endorse it. "Not Ready to Make Nice" is "a pretty good song," he said. "There's no reason not to play it.")'

Yet, just three years ago he helped get them banned from country and Christian radio.

Whatever works for you, Bill.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Middle-Class Exodus From Iraq

'Deaths run like water through the life of the Bahjat family. Four neighbors. A barber. Three grocers. Two men who ran a currency exchange shop.

But when six armed men stormed into their sons' primary school this month, shot a guard dead, and left fliers ordering it to close, Assad Bahjat knew it was time to leave.

"The main thing now is to just get out of Iraq," said Mr. Bahjat, standing in a room heaped with suitcases and bedroom furniture in eastern Baghdad.

In the latest indication of the crushing hardships weighing on the lives of Iraqis, increasing portions of the middle class seem to be doing everything they can to leave the country. In the last 10 months, the state has issued new passports to 1.85 million Iraqis, 7 percent of the population and a quarter of the country's estimated middle class.'

That is an excerpt from the article As Death Stalks Iraq, Middle Class Exodus Begins which appeared in the New York Times today.

Written by Mona Mahmoud, Sahar Nageeb and Qais Mizher, it paints a picture that so many Americans still refuse to see: that our mission was to destroy Iraq, not save it, and we are succeeding.

Yet, don't you love it when you get an e-mail with three or four photos of U.S. service men posing with Iraqi kids who are holding signs that say things like "Thank you President Bush?"

Gee whiz. I wonder who printed those signs in English. Do you think it was those Iraqi kids who don't know English? Or could it have been staged, with the kids not even knowing what they were holding?

And don't you love how, despite all the capitalized printing about how this is "the real truth" that the "liberal" media will not print, that there is never a date given for those photos?

That's because you know they are from March 2003. Back when the kids were smiling.

And that, of course, was immediately after Saddam Hussein had been overthrown but before Iraqis realized that our "government" (read Big Oil) went in to destroy their country, not save it.

Corporate America (via BushCo) has done to Iraq what a rapist always does: beat the crap out of the victim.

I believe that when the BushCo villains are turned out of power, the subpoenas will run hot and heavy and we will uncover secrets that will make Americans' hair stand on end. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld - and more - will be tried for treason as people of conscience inside the government risk ruin to come forth with the truth.

I believe that the American people will stop believing that corporate greed is really good for us as people - or a country - and that we will rethink our place in the world for, as Paul Krugman so aptly put it in Coming Down To Earth), we are "a nation in which people make a living by selling one another houses, and they pay for the houses with money borrowed from China."

I believe that people will stop watching American Idol and take to the streets to change the rules under which corporations operate so they are pro people instead of pro empire.

I believe that empathy will stop being a dirty word.

I believe that people in this country are going to get real very fast, rediscover that we are all in this together and do whatever it takes to create a government based upon our humanity, not our inhumanity.

Because even if a majority of us want to stick our heads in the sand and continue continue ignoring what our corporately controlled government is doing to the world and its people, Global Warming isn't going to let us.

And inexplicable things are beginning to happen.

How about Ken Lay's top lawyer (Michael Ramsey) having a heart attack and being out of the court room for a month. (This is the guy who got New York real estate heir Robert A. Durst acquitted after Durst shot and killed a neighbor, dismembered the victim's body and threw parts of it into Galveston Bay.)

Dare we think it might be his own, ignored conscience that caused that heart attack? Or that, as in the Picture of Dorian Gray the ugliness of these men must, finally, come home to roost and destroy them?

I'm a believer.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Maureen Dowd on "Bacon Guy"

Maureen Dowd's column in the New York Times today was on "Bacon Guy," (who I wrote about yesterday) and titled Six Degrees of Bacon.

The woman is clever and definitely has a playful way with words. Here's an excerpt:

"After Bacon Guy was forced to withdraw, Mr. Goss and his chief of staff, Patrick Murray, were not moved to look for a sterling choice for the No. 3 post. They were moved to go on a rampage to ferret out and get rid of the libs in the agency whom they suspected of leaking the news of Bacon Guy's carnivorous crime.

With a Nixonesque sense of paranoia and vendetta, the Bush dominatrixes never seem to worry about the nefarious activity itself - from shoplifting to gathering data on all Americans' phone records. They just resent it when the nefarious activity is revealed. When word got out that the government was snooping on domestic calls, the administration rushed into action, not to investigate the violation of the Constitution but to punish any government employees who might have leaked it to The Times."

That's BushCo - persecute the whistleblowers, not the criminals.

And further:

"In a scene that would impress even the "Law and Order" impresario Dick Wolf, investigators from the F.B.I., the I.R.S., the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the C.I.A.'s inspector general showed up yesterday for the searches. Dusty's C.I.A. office and his house in a nearby Virginia suburb were examined.

The dolts at F.B.I. headquarters could not get it together to search Zacarias Moussaoui's computer before 9/11, but now we have the F.B.I. searching the C.I.A.

That's not progress."

I disagree. It is and it isn't. It's progress, at least, that a criminal hack inside this clandestine organization is being investigated with the possibility of being prosecuted.

Better that than remaining untouchable like criminals Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al (who aren't at all happy about this latest little revelation of the systemic incompetence of their faux - shall we call it style of governing? (They don't govern, they force their ideas on us, winging how to make their ideas reality with a mixture of incompetence and malice.)

While the FBI investigating the CIA is not progress on the war against external enemies, it is progress against the internal enemies America has: Republicans who would allow America to crumble into ruin for the sake of ideology based on fear, greed and desire for unlimited power.

Better that the corruption, incompetence and lack of fitness to govern (and appoint competent staff) be revealed than remain hidden.

Friday, May 12, 2006

BushCo's Bacon Shoplifter

It just gets better.

One of the high "mucky-mucks" brought into the CIA by BushCo had previously been arrested for shoplifting bacon.

Are you laughing your a** off?

How is it that virtually everything this administration does is based in corruption, greed, incompetence or all three? They just seem to find criminals and idiots to elevate within their ranks.

Today we have another clue of just how systemic these operating principles are as the New York Times reports:

"Kyle Foggo, who is the man known by friends and associates as Dusty — and who on Monday resigned his post as the third-ranking official at the Central Intelligence Agency — has become entangled in a widening investigation that has already brought down former Representative Randy Cunningham, a k a Duke, [who pleaded guilty last year to taking bribes from military contractors.] Investigators say they are examining what could be a larger pattern of bribery and government corruption."

Foggo was "plucked out of obscurity" by J. Porter Goss. [Goss was appointed C.I.A. director in September 2004 and recently resigned after nothing but clashes with agency professionals who "derisively" called him and the people he brought in 'The Gosslings']

But that's not all the muck that Goss tracked in. More from the New York Times:

"The man Mr. Goss first selected to become the C.I.A.'s executive director, Michael V. Kostiw, had to turn down the job when it surfaced in the news media that he had resigned from the agency in the 1980's after being caught shoplifting bacon.

It was finger-pointing over who leaked word of Mr. Kostiw's shoplifting arrest that led to the resignation of several top officials in the agency's clandestine service. Among those who left were Stephen R. Kappes, the deputy director of operations, and his deputy, Michael Sulick. Mr. Kappes is expected to return as the agency's No. 2 if Gen. Michael V. Hayden is confirmed as the new director.

Days before Mr. Goss submitted his resignation, the C.I.A. director asked Mr. Foggo to step down as executive director, according to one intelligence official who was granted anonymity to speak freely about the circumstances of Mr. Foggo's departure. The official said that Mr. Goss had concluded that the inquires into Mr. Foggo's activities had become a distraction and had the potential to damage the agency's reputation.

Mr. Foggo, 51, has admitted attending poker parties throughout the 1990's that Mr. Wilkes held in a suite at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. The parties were primarily attended by C.I.A. officials and congressmen, and Mr. Cunningham, a California Republican, occasionally attended. Several news media accounts have reported that prostitutes frequented the parties."

This fits in with the image we now have of Bush as President who creates no policy or standards as reported by Paul Krugman in his article State of Delusion published on February 3, 2006:

'John DiIulio, the former White House head of faith-based policy explained it more than three years ago. He told the reporter Ron Suskind how this administration operates: ''There is no precedent in any modern White House for what is going on in this one: a complete lack of a policy apparatus. I heard many, many staff discussions but not three meaningful, substantive policy discussions. There were no actual policy white papers on domestic issues.''

In other words, this administration is all politics and no policy. It knows how to attain power, but has no idea how to govern. That is why the administration was caught unaware when Katrina hit, and why it was totally unprepared for the predictable problems with its drug plan. It is why Mr. Bush announced an energy plan with no substance behind it. And it is why the state of the union -- the thing itself and not the speech -- is so grim.'

[Note that historians have commented on the fact that Hitler had no policy discussions, no papers, no apparatus. He had ideas (mostly bad, like Bush's) and just told his staff to figure out how to get it done. After the war staffers testified that they had no idea what they were doing or how to do it. The shared incompetence, to me, is clear, along with the fact that Hitler identified others as enemies and brought about war to take attention away from his - dare we call them - domestic programs?]

Meanwhile, the CIA continues to 'disappear' people and use extraordinary rendition to take dark skinned people to other countries for torture. (And there is my segway.)

This is 'Torture Awareness Month.' (Isn't it mind-boggling we need one?)

To find out what is going on - and that torture HAS NOT BEEN MADE ILLEGAL IN THE U.S. despite the McCain/Feingold ammendment [thanks to Bush's tricks and the complexity of our laws] visit Torture Awareness to find out what you can do to create zero tolerance for torture in the U.S.

You can view a brief video interview of Maher Arar, the Canadian kidnapped by the CIA as he was returning to Canada from a vacation, as well as read fact sheets with some pretty disturbing statistics. For instance, out of nearly 750 men thrown into Guantanamo, many wound up there because they were SOLD to the U.S. for $5000 per head by Northern Alliance warlords and Pakistani authorities.

Tell me that no innocent men were rounded up for the money. Five thousand dollars is a virtual fortune to those who collected it.

Who is this monster that we have become as a nation?

Fear and ignorance will do it every time.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Gutting of the Village Voice

New Times, now known as Village Voice Media recently bought The Village Voice to stop its activism. Michael Lacy, the new owner, fired staff and stopped publishing any piece containing a stand on an issue or that is critical of the Bush administration.

Based in Phoenix, the newly named Village Voice Media despises activism and appears to have a game plan of buying up all alternative papers all around the country (there are 17) in order to make them all the same and eliminate their points of view.

The Village Voice was part of an activist tradition of the alternative press for decades. It has now been neutralized in the same way that a few big chains like Gannett have bought up and neutralized most of the daily newspapers in the United States.

Likewise Clear Channel controls the lions share of radio and 5 big corporations control most of the TV. They all cater to entertainment, soundbites and ratings, not in-depth news reporting or "pro and con" perspectives. Most of them have run "newsclips" manufactured by the Bush administration - and by corporations to get their products in the public eye - which has been the basis for the flurry over "fake news."

Virtually the only way to get fact-based, non-fluff, non-soundbite, in-depth news is through PBS, NPR and the Internet. (CNN reports real news, but sticks with major, middle-of-the-road stories. It also wastes air time - and the viewer's time - on dramatic come-ons and repeating - in addition to commercials.)

Yet partisan appointees are working from inside PBS to change it and the budget for PBS and NPR are slated to be slashed again. (It has long been part of the Republican agenda to kill both).

Meanwhile, big media continues to lobby hard to control broadband content - to have the power to block content and e-mails and charge users extra to have their websites come up or their e-mails sent.

The best thing to do is sign up for alerts at

Americans are more and more isolated from real news and issues they should care about (but which are not publicized) and the views of the rest of the world (5.9 billion people.)

(For instance, do you know that the move to eliminate the estate tax - supposedly some sort of grass roots movement supported by trade unions, etc. to protect the middle-class as well as the rich - was the brainchild of 18 of the richest families in America? They created sham organizations to lobby on their behalf, looking as though there was more widespread support for the move.)

A letter-writing campaign is needed to rescue our media, with weekly letters (easy to print out and mail the same letter with a different date) to your representatives.

Please alert the people you know who care and who think it undermines the whole premise of our nation to stifle different points of view.

If we don't turn the tide of repression now, people will have to take to the streets and put their bodies on the line later. Considering the Patriot Act and the possibility of being branded a "domestic terrorist" while actively demonstrating, what's the likelihood that will happen?

China controls a billion people quite nicely by blocking Internet content and news and making sure only the party line is heard. Is that what we want?

If not, compose a letter to your Congressional representatives today, keep it on your computer, change the date each week and mail it out afresh.

It's volumes of real mail - not e-mail - that get the real attention and have the real power.

You can change things. Start today.

And keep the faith.

Friday, May 05, 2006

BushCo Brings Back the Cold War

The latest news is that BushCo is bringing back the The Cold War.

It's amazing how, with the Republicans in office, it never ends. Things just get better and better, don't they?

Hum - lest we forget, let's recap a fraction of what's happened in five and a half years:

We've been lied to as a matter of policy.

Government has gone super secret. Plus the Freedom of Information Act has been subverted by the assessment of thousands of dollars in fees to get information.

Government now provides networks with false news.

Black is white and white is black.

Empathy is considered a weakness and killing a virtue.

The U.S. is now listed on Amnesty International's list of human rights violators for "disappearing" people and torturing them.

The Patriot Act, having been renewed, continues to wreak havoc on civil liberties.

We're enmeshed in an unnecessary war which has virtually destroyed Iraq. At least 2300 American families have been shattered, along with the nearly 50,000 American lives of those who have suffered catastrophic injuries.

The soul of America - New Orleans and her people - were left to drown and dry and are now scattered hopelessly across the country.

Corporations continue to take over everything, jettison pensions and employees and move to China in worship of their god, Obscene Profit.

Osama hasn't been caught (and never will be) because BushCo is friends with the Saudis, even providing over a dozen with them with clandestine airfare out of the country after 9/11. It was all just a ploy to get absolute control of the government anyway. They had the information. They let it happen - and even helped it along - then covered it all up.)

The dollar is falling, interest rates are rising and everyone except the upper crust (who gets all the tax breaks and stock options) is in debt.

As a nation we're going to reach 8,000,000,000,000 in debt and go beyond it soon. Expect the (planned for) result to be that all social programs (including schools) go on the chopping block.

Our public schools - the last, best chance for creating an egalitarian population that is informed - are being starved to death and teachers blamed for the system's problems (instead of blaming the true culprit, lack of funding and respect for education.)

Meanwhile the wealthy send their kids to private schools and think nothing of paying $40,000 a year for a child's education. Meanwhile, poor kids are punished for going to poor schools as "Every Child Left Behind" cuts their funding further.

Corporate welfare continues unabated while the poor go without health care, jobs, proper schools or hope. (Gee, weren't all those tax cuts to the wealthy supposed to create jobs that provided health care? Yeah, that always works. Not.)

The environment is going down the toilet. Public parks are being sold off for lumber. Climate change is happening more rapidly than anticipated while BushCo still stalls and toasts big oil's profits.

There's a powerful move by all the communication giants to stifle the Internet, charge more and control what we can pull up.

PBS - the only media that tells us the hard truths - has been stacked with vultures who are trying to kill it from the inside - along with BushCo's proposed slashing of its budget.

Scientist are ignored, evolution is disputed and a number of Bush supporters argue that the earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah. Heck, our science education is so bad that one in five Americans thinks the sun revolves around the earth.

The "reform" movement in Congress that would have put some sort of break on corruption was killed. It would have stopped the swinging door which allows Congressional representatives to leave Congress, become high paid lobbyists and lobby all the friends they left behind to sell out the people for control and profits. But God forbid - why would a Republican Congress want to do that? Why would they put educating their nation's children or taking care of people and families over being able to fly to their homes in the South of France where there is actually a pretty decent quality of life?

The Twin Towers - and building 7 - were imploded from within and the steel all secreted away to be melted down in China so no one could test it - but the media shuns the story and most Americans haven't seen the facts. Bottom line, most people still refuse to believe the government that has stabbed them in the back from Day One is capable of such treason.

It wasn't enough to rattle their sabers and talk about invading Iran or dropping a nuke on Tehran.

Now Cheney's bringing back the Cold War as a prelude.

Isn't that grand?

And what's the response? We've found America's enemy in the millions of Mexican-American immigrants who do our dirty work.

I'm glad that's solved. Aren't you?

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