Happy New Year, fellow Progressives!
I want to thank all of you who have bought my political
bumperstickers. It fills me with awe to know that all over the country you are displaying them on your bumpers. I feel a kinship with you all and my heart is full.
It's been a hard year as we've seen corporations grow richer and the poor grow poorer. I know it cannot just be me who wonders why Mother Earth washed away New Orleans. Why not Crawford, Texas instead? What's the lesson? Whatever it is, we better learn it.
And the scandals! What would have had another president impeached long ago has left this president virtually unscathed.
And so many people still identify with him and love him! They don't love Cheney or Rove or Rumsfeld, but their love for Bush spills over on to all the others. Yet, truthfully, it seems to be an insecure, fear based love.
Average Joes with money seem to love Bush precisely because he comes across as so ordinary. It's like they are afraid of Rhodes scholars and people who can speak another language - or even English - well. Such people make them feel inadequate. Of course they'd never admit it. They don't have the insight to even recognize the kernel of their disdain.
I have long thought that the Republican or conservative brain - as we know it now, that selfish, swindler's brain - is defective. It's not politically correct to say so, of course, but James Watson - it was either Watson or Crick who was interviewed on Charlie Rose (the pair mapped the DNA molecule) - who said that, biologically, brains are different.
The conservative - and I'm not talking sensible conservative here where you want to balance the budget and look for pragmatic solutions - I'm talking about the greedy, plundering, "no amount of money is enough, bring back the work houses" kind of brain - seems defective.
Why is it defective? Because it is more like a reptile's than a human's. It's the "kill or be killed" brain, not the "turn the other cheek" brain. It's a lower order brain on the evolutionary scale, I'd say. No wonder they reject evolution. And no wonder they are so paranoid about "liberals." They know we're superior!
Seriously, what pisses Progressives off is that we all know it would be easier to give in to the reptile brain - we all have it - but we don't. So here we are, trying to be "good" and compassionate and loving while these schweinhunds are skimming the cream, sending other people's children to war and, generally, reveling in taking full advantage of everyone else.
But - and here's our secret, the one that got us into this, the one that keeps the Repubs in power - Bush,
et al are just mirrors of what we don't like in ourselves.
We don't really like our own arrogance and sense of entitlement as Americans. We know the world has a billion people starving, we know we use the majority of the world's resources and exploit cheap labor in third world countries so we can spend our Saturdays filling our carts full of crap at Wal-Mart, but we ignore it for the most part and let our government do what it wants. But guess what? Now our government is screwing us, so we can't ignore it any more.
The fact is, the Bush's and other very wealthy people who control this country and have allowed us to hitch a ride on their coattails have a very strong belief in their entitlement while poor people question their right to the air they breath.
I say it's time we all cultivated a belief in our entitlement to live in a beautiful, compassionate and loving country. I say it's time we started believing in and teaching spiritually grounded self-empowerment. All that means is that you look for what not only brings you joy and prosperity, but which also benefits everyone else.
Spirituality - not religon - teaches us to look for win-win solutions and to settle for nothing less. We learn to seek that which is most loving and helpful for the greatest number of people.
Unfortunately, to change anything means we have to realize Bush just reflects the part of our nation we were ignoring, yet responsible for. Hating Bush is like hating ourselves. It will get us nowhere, as we have seen.
So what do we do?
First, we have to stop hating the Bushies,
et al. I know we love to hate them, but its counterproductive. We have to walk the talk. We can't be
knowingly inconsistent.
But, speaking of inconsistencies - for which human beings are so well known - it continually amazes me that Pa Bush is so blind when it comes to his son.
In one breath he talks about the hurricane survivors and raises money with Clinton, in another breath he says he's "so proud" of his son who has treated the hurricane survivors like crap. It's like Papa Bush is a schizophrenic with two brains. He sees the terrible plight of those who lost their homes as a result of Katrina but is blind to the how Baby Bush's policies have helped create that misery and how Baby is turning his back on New Orleans and her people.
Belief is critical in human affairs. It's time we all cultivated the belief that we are entitled to a humane, compassionate government and that the loud and defectively selfish-brained no longer have credibility among the electorate. It's time to believe that more and more people will stand up for what's right, not what's politically expedient or what will make them a buck. We are, in short, wanting a miracle.
So let's co-opt God and miracles. Let's start by thanking God for abortion centers. Maybe we could have large groups go around blessing abortion centers and the women who seek them, affirming that they are doing God's work.
Okay, so that's tongue in cheek, but why not? Why not get together and begin blessing and praying for what WE want?
There are so many good and caring people in the U.S. Let us envision that miracle: that these people all become activists and join with us to create the America we all thought we lived in, one of justice and compassion.
I ask you, my friend, to do what I am going to try to do. I may not succeed, but these are my New Year's goals: to concentrate on those who are walking the talk and to be one of them; to stop fearing and despising those who are bankrupting us financially and morally, but to get involved trying to help someone, somewhere in a personal and hands-on way. I want to do more than sign petitions and create bumperstickers, although those things certainly have value.
I vow to see the Bushes and Cheneys and Roves and DeLays of the world as pitiful, pathetic creatures who must fall from their pedestals as part of natural selection, as did Hitler. Hitler wound up killing himself. Of course, maybe he's a bad example since he took sixty million people with him, before hand.
But, the point is this: he could not have come into power if not for the hate and desire for revenge enacted upon Germany for starting World War I. The world brought Hitler into being with its own unforgiveness and miserliness. And we all - God help us - brought Bush into being. I mean, could Canada have elected a Bush? Could France?
Mai non. (But Kerry wouldn't have been a bad bet, with his command of French.)
I propose: cultivate humor and hilarity and promote science and education as a good things.
Laugh at those wicked Bushies, yes, yes, but no more hate; no more fantasies of revenge. Instead, let's concentrate on being the best Progressives we can be, the best people we can be. Adopt Arnie's phrase: "Zat's fantastic" instead of "I hate those bastards!"
Let's use our brains and come up with solutions and policies. Let's work hard to create what we want and know WE ARE ENTITLED to the America we want, an America that is loved and respected all over the world for her humanity.
Conservatives seem to hate the poor and see the American people as pawns who can be controlled with beer and fast food commercials. They certainly don't want to uplift us, so let's do it ourselves.
Me, I've given up Wal-Mart and Coke and McDonalds. (Well, I never did drink coke or eat McDonalds, but I haven't found another corporation to shun yet and one does not seem like enough. But I swear I didn't even buy a bow there over Christmas.)
I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe in God. And I believe God will help us help ourselves. But the first rule is: forgive the Bushies. Then stop going into debt to buy stuff you don't need that just makes the corporations richer and you poorer.
We in the U.S. have been sleepwalking through the mall of life for a long time. We got got the inevitable. The blessing for me is that, for the rest of my life, I will never be politically asleep again, no matter how much time it takes to stay informed.
Oh, and although I've been told since I was small not to discuss them because I might tread on some toes, my main topics will be politics and religion and ethics for the rest of my life. What else is important? Buying bargain fleece? Celebrities? Fluties drop kick?
Please.Oh, yeah, and one more thing: Despite the taboo against talking to other people's kids, I'm going to tell that kid over there to stop running around in the aisle while I'm drinking my latte and blogging. Self indulgent little bastard.
God bless you, my friend. And God bless America, the real America we hold in our hearts.